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Introducing Medikal HMS Telemedicine Platform

In a time such as this, there is a need to take advantage of technology to move your services over the limitations of the present pandemic and the challenges it poses. Many hospitals and care centres have experienced great difficulty in interacting with their patients in this period and many patients have been reluctant to visit their care centres becasue of the obvious issues around the pandemic.

But what if there was another way to make things work better? What if this other way also presents some great benefits that makes for good patient retainership? What if this other way can boost your revenue, productivity and bottom line? Wouldn’t that be great news?

This is why we are offering you our innovative, secure, business oriented, Telemedicine platform. Medikal HMS Telemedicine platform is a Telemedicine offering built on our highly robust and secure Medikal HMS EMR and advanced ERP platform. With our platform, you can continue to have consultation sessions with your patients over the Internet in an easy, user friendly and secure channel, while being able to keep track of the process and transform the process into a business opportunity and much needed extra revenue source.

The process is simple and anyone with basic Internet knowledge can use it. The process includes,

1. Patient register from our secure client app (https://my.medikalhms.com)
2. Patient books an appointment and picks an available time slot
3. Patient connects at time of appointment
4. Doctor connects to patient
5. Session runs while doctor manages the session with our easy to use EMR consultation assistant
6. Doctor completes Session and system generates reports

No need for complex installations and setup. We take care of all that for you. No high learning curve. The process shoud never turn into a Phd thesis or rocket science for your patients. Seamless and easy payments from out-of-pocket patients.

The process includes an automated payment system for cash paying patients and billing management system for HMO patients. Let us partner with you to help you turn the challenges of this COVID19 pandemic into a success story.

You can get started today by signing up as a care center at https://live.medikalhms.com/signup

We look forward to having you onboard!

Festus Aiwe
COO, Medikal HMS Ltd
The Medikal HMS Team